martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Alan Dawa - Best Chinese Singer

....XD finally Alan has her first top 10 single called KUON NO KAWA that means RIVER OF ETERNITY. This song has been used in CHI-BI II (Red Cliff II) and has two versions one in CHinese and other in Japanese (I love Chinese version).

But people want to know who is ALAN. First of all, Alan is a female chinese singer ofe Tibetan descent and works for Avex track. She was discovered in an Avex's Audition in 2006 and started her career (as a Japanese singer) in 2007 with her first single called "Ashita e no sanka" a song with a lot of Chinese music....after that she's released 7 singles and 1 album called Voice of Earth, usually Alan's songs talk about Peace and Love (she talks about nature XD) and has some chinese influence with a powerful voice XD

By the way When I was looking oricon's Ranking I watched a advertisement of a product called GEORGIA starring by ULTRAMAN ....

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